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Cuaderno de matemáticas y calculadora

10-12th Grade

Dear 10-12 graders, you are pretty close to the finish line. If you’re struggling at this point, maybe you still haven’t discovered the best study habits yet, but do not worry. Your success plan will be very different from others and unique to your weaknesses and strengths. Take note of your good qualities and use them where you’re struggling. 

10-11th Grade

Consider taking the PSAT (Practice SAT) to know what areas you need to improve. It can indicate your future SAT score and could qualify you for the National Merit Scholarship.

Visit the College Board website to learn more about the program and the requirements needed to be eligible.

En el aula

Do not be afraid to ask questions

Steps to Success

Frambuesa y varias tuercas

Get enough rest

Start considering the teachers you think best can give you a recommendation. Think of someone who knows you well, who has had more interaction, and who is able to describe you as a good student.

Show teachers you have a wise student mentality by going to class regularly, participating often, creating a study group, making use of the library, turning in assignments on time, doing extra credit, etc.

Reunión creativa

Gain a leadership experience

Take AP Classes to boost your GPA and class rank. Since these are college credit courses, taking at least one will have an impact on your transcript.

Sticky Notes

Be organized

Search online for pre-college programs and see which one is meant for you. *Pre-college programs are made for high school students (10th and 11th) to get a perspective of undergraduate classes in college* Investigate about research programs in your country and see what ways you can involve yourself with them.

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